Well, I haven't really posted in a few days since I've been getting over a cold and have been kind of unmotivated. However, I'm feeling better and I wanted to make a new blog post. This one's a little different, considering that the result won't actually be edible. I studied art in college and I love making things. So think of this as a recipe for some food-related decor. This is a slightly altered project idea that I got from a book called Print Workshop: Hand-Printing Techniques and Truly Original Projects. Trust me, it's fun.
the recipe
plain, clean plate (Target has very inexpensive, melamine plates)photocopy, print off or photograph of food
Mod Podge
1. Cover the plate that you'll be using with a smooth coat of Mod Podge using the paintbrush. Set the plate aside to dry slightly.
2. Get either a photograph, photocopy or print off of food that would be proportional to the plate that you have bought. I took pictures of a plate of food and then resize it on my computer to match the size of the plate I'd bought.
3. Carefully cut the food shapes out.
4. Arrange the food shapes on the plate. Put an additional coat of Mod Podge over the paper food pieces. Allow to dry completely.
Remember that these plates are for decorative use only. The plates cannot be submerged in water because of the Mod Podge, and they should not be used for food.
You can probably use almost any kind of glue to paste the pieces down. I do like Mod Podge though, since it dries completely clear, does not wrinkle the paper, and adds a protective coating over anything.
great with
Plate wall hangers. These make really cute kitchen decor!
the review
These are ridiculously easy to make and I honestly love the way they look in my kitchen. My kitchen is decorated with lots of colors, like my green teapot, mismatched, mod-inspired silverware, and vintage, stained-glass owl napkin holder. These plates are fun and quirky and are exactly what I had in mind for the spare space on my walls. Keep in mind, your design doesn't have to be food, and it doesn't have to be for your kitchen. Lots of people have decorative plates in their homes. This could be a cheaper, and creative way to make your own.